Walking A Desert Called Hope

We walk barefoot through the desert of you
Lonely and Cotton-mouthed,
From blistering feet that no longer feel
The sun-soaked burns boiling over.
It’s not that we can’t stop,
But that we won’t let this desert win;
Knowing that the other side
Gives us water, shelter, and hope.
What is beyond that we don’t yet know;
There will be a knowing in our walking
Leading us to an answer we long for,
From a question that we never asked

Has Pandora misplaced her box?
Where is the hope she kept locked away?

Yes hope on the other side,
Our target is one of shifting light.
Hazy mirages dancing off the sands
Pulling us in every direction
As we stumble forth delirious.
Some will stop to drink the sand
Becoming part of the desert forever;
Leading others astray
With the bones the leave behind.
Those who survive will wander enduringly;
And though the sands we walk may be hot,
Our feet do not yet falter.

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